The leading manufacturer of e-liquids and supplier of one-stop vaping solution

TIA Female E-cigarette


Refined, sophisticated, stylish – Tia is more than just vaping. We are brand-new female e-cigarette specialized for a classier feel, feminine touch. That means no more chunky, awkward mods and heavy tanks: make way for the evolution.

Tia is a one of a kind vape model, one which will grab the attention of a whole new vaping audience, encouraging the on-trend, stylish and sophisticated way to vape. For the more feminine approach, Tia will definitely engage with this well-refined aspect of the vaping market in a way that no other brand will do.

As the growth of vaping industry, we want to create something revolutionary, especially for female who loves to use simple and elegant e-cigarette. Besides, Tia equipped your needs with 9 rich e-liquid flavors to combine your taste in an astonishing compact device.

Since it released we want to make sure, our products are in a high quality standard and meet your expectations. Our goal is to make you more than just an average vaper. Tia appreciates elegance: our look is convenient and compact, ideal for social and on-the-go lifestyles. Take it to work, to the shops and out with your friends – you will never be without it.

We have designed vaping to work with you and your ideals. Tia: your vape, your style.

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